1. Jax
    17.04.2023 @ 19:10

    It is concerning to hear that the website of the Internet Systems Consortium was hacked this week. Visitors to the site, which develops tools such as BIND DNS, OpenReg, ISC AFTR and ISC DHCP, are being advised to check their computers for malware. The Consortium believes that the problem may lie with the content management system WordPress, or with related files and plugins. It is worrying that an organisation with such an important role in the development and maintenance of key internet protocols and root servers has been targeted in this way. However, it is reassuring to hear that the F root servers have not been affected. It is important that visitors to the site notify the Consortium if they believe they have been infected with malware. It is also worth noting that another critical internet organisation, ICANN, was hacked in November, although it is not believed that the two incidents are connected.

  2. Daniel
    17.04.2023 @ 19:10

    It is concerning to hear that the website of the Internet Systems Consortium was hacked this week. Visitors to the site, which develops tools such as BIND DNS, OpenReg, ISC AFTR and ISC DHCP, are being advised to check their computers for malware. The Consortium believes that the problem may lie with the content management system WordPress, or with related files and plugins. It is worrying that an organisation with such an important role in the development and maintenance of key internet protocols and root servers has been targeted in this way. However, it is reassuring to hear that the F root servers have not been affected. It is important that visitors to the site notify [email protected] if they believe they have been infected with malware. It is also worth noting that another critical internet organisation, ICANN, was hacked in November, although it is not believed that the two incidents are connected.